Why We Do It? Birdwatching, That Is

Technically it’s no longer bird watching, it’s birding.  I don’t know that there’s a big difference, but birders are pretty sensitive types, and I, for one, don’t want to get on their wrong side of one. To answer my own question; I don’t know why I do it.  Furthermore, if you would have accused me forty or thirty or even ten years ago of becoming a bird watcher (birder) I would have guffawed and maybe taken a swing at you. BTW, in the UK, birders are called twitchers, but we all know they have a tough time with the King’s english.   I am, and I do, watch birds that is.  Worse yet, I try, mostly in vain, to take photographs of them.  They are harder to get in...

The Great Spring Break Road Trip – Part One

S. and I were sitting at he kitchen table at the farm in the midst of an unusual spring cold snap (that’s what they call them in the country) and she said, “wouldn’t it be nice to take a few days off and do something out of the ordinary”.  These words to my ears were like catnip to a cat.  I immediately ran through several really outrageous ideas before I hit upon a semi-reasonable, semi-likely to get agreement on idea of a few days on the gulf coast of Texas.  When she retorted with the not surprising query of “what in the #@*# will we do there”, I was ready.  “Oh, I don’t know.  Perhaps we could check out the antique shops and art galleries.”  It’s not for...