An Awe-ful Thought

I had my first encounter with a mega church last week in tragic circumstances.  We are old friends with a couple who had struggled and grieved with the protracted death of a beautiful young girl, their granddaughter.  We wanted to attend her funeral to show our love and concern for them and their family and the tragedy they had to endure. As we approached the church I was surprised, but not terribly so, at the traffic awaiting entrance to the huge parking lot.  This is a prominent family with many local branches and a large crowd of mourners and well wishers was to be expected.  Naturally they would need a large hall.  We were thirty minutes early but young...

The People I Know…I Think.

An old Washington hand told me, “it’s all about relationships.  You have to know a lot of people.”  He went on to say, “you’ll meet a lot of people who will want to impress you with who they know.”   When they say, “of course I know Senator Foghorn”, you should say, “yes, but does he know you.”  I’ve used this technique and it often results in much squirming and dissembling. In business we hear people talk about their bulging rolodex…which implies they can call any of the people in their file.  As in Washington, another standard is necessary.  I call it the “but will he return your call” standard.  I guess today, it’s also “will he return your email...

Take This Job and…!

Any time a group of older guys are hanging around with time on their hands, the conversation, sooner or later, will turn to work.  Work we used to do…in the good, old days.  It’s in this game that he who goes first has no chance.  The stories get grander as the conversational baton is passed.  And no one ever wants to go after me.  Let me tell you why. In no particular order or weight are listed the jobs I’ve had:  Lawn mower/flower bed weeder, carpenters assistant, computer programmer, grocery store bag boy, gas station attendant, door to door spudnut salesman, produce warehouseman, soda fountain clerk, sheep ranch hand (dauber and notcher), corporate...

Tale of Two Germanys

Germany is an economic miracle.  There’s no other way to describe it.  Think of it.  In the last ninety years, Germany lost two wars, sixteen per cent  of their population was killed as a result of the wars, their industrial base was decimated, they became a pariah in the eyes of the world, their national identity questioned, and were occupied by the armies of the countries who had defeated them.  Many of their leaders were tried, convicted, and either executed or imprisoned.  They were a pawn of the cold war and lived as a divided county for thirty years and then endured the pains of unification.  And yet…. Germany is number fourteen in population at...

Best of the Wurst

If you were paying attention to my previous ramblings, you will know that I’m a sausage man.  I could almost say that I’ve never met a sausage I didn’t like, although I’m ready to rule out Blutwurst (blood sausage) and Leberwurst (liver sausage).  Otherwise, I’ve got a lot in common with 82 million Germans. Today I broke a string of 8 consecutive meals in which wursts (sausages) of various stripes played a starring role.  So far I’ve had the classic Bratwurst and it’s first cousin, Currywurst.  I thought you would ask.  Currywurst is Bratwurst stuffed into a meat grinder looking machine and cut into 1 inch chunks then daubed with a catsup/curry powder mixture...