The 81 Per Centers

I read somewhere that 81 % of all white evangelical christians who voted in the Iowa primary voted for DJT. I’ve now gone back and tried to research where I found this nugget, but to no avail. I’m reluctant to use data that I can’t verify from at least two authentic sources, but in this case… this bit raised so many interesting issues that I’ve decided to jump in the deep end without water wings. Syllogistically, the phrase evangelical christians seems at first look to be redundant. I think, but don’t know for sure, that while all evangelicals are Christians, all Christians are not evangelicals. Which then begs the question...

Biden the Elder(ly)

Ok. Is it one or the other? So, let’s start with the basics. This subject comes to mind because I’m old and I think about it a lot, but, more particularly because a government lackey of some sort issued a report which, among other things, accused Biden of being elderly and all that connotes. So I figured it would be worth my while to get to the bottom of this elderly thing.Mr. Merriam and Webster perfunctorily defines elderly as “rather old”. While the Oxford English Dictionary, or OED as it’s commonly referred to and grandfather of all word definers, says this about that, “of, relating to, or characteristic of older people...

My Journey with Dementia

I am an Alzheimer’s caregiver. I didn’t want to be. I was not prepared for the job. I had no idea that the tasks involved would be far more complex, far more difficult than anything I had ever done or attempted to do in my life before Alzheimer’s . I’m not sure I can do it. What if I can’t? On February 2, 2017 I was delivered a seven page document entitled “Memory Clinic Neuropsychological Evaluation” which had all the warmth of a treatise on How to Skin a Catfish. My eyes teared over as I scanned the charts and graphs looking for the bottom line…because that’s what I did in business. I finally found it in...