Biden the Elder(ly)

Ok. Is it one or the other? So, let’s start with the basics. This subject comes to mind because I’m old and I think about it a lot, but, more particularly because a government lackey of some sort issued a report which, among other things, accused Biden of being elderly and all that connotes. So I figured it would be worth my while to get to the bottom of this elderly thing.Mr. Merriam and Webster perfunctorily defines elderly as “rather old”. While the Oxford English Dictionary, or OED as it’s commonly referred to and grandfather of all word definers, says this about that, “of, relating to, or characteristic of older people...

On Aging

I posted on September 1, 2009 a somewhat whimsical piece titled “Getting Old is Not For Sissies”.  Read it again if you like, but a short summary is that I was whinning about the things I could do in my youth that are now far out of reach, and the subtle, and not so subtle, changes in the landscape of my body.  Every thing I said then, I double down on now, three years later…and more.  No, I’m not going to give you an itemized list of the things that are going awhack in my physiology, but I will tell you that the pace is accelerating.  I know there’s a word in the English language that means “to accelerate at an accelerating...

Getting Old Is Not For Sissies

As Ed H. said just having missed a three foot putt at age 83, “I’m just glad to still be on this side of the grass.  He died three months later.  Don’t worry, this is not about the inevitability of death.  It’s worse.  I’m going to write about what happens to a man-child as he enters the autumn of his life. This may not seem like such a big deal to the feminine segment of my limited audience, unless, that is, you happen to be married to one of us that is going through this particular slice of life, and groaning all the while.  But to me, it’s a pretty big deal.  I can still remember throwing a ball to home plate from center field on one bounce.  I revel in the...