
Be honest now.  How many of you dear, intelligent readers know what would have to have been done in order to avoid the blunt axe budget cuts of the  2013 sequester we are now facing?  I’m looking for some specifics here.  Yes, I know the repubs would have to agree with the dems on something, but what is it that they needed to agree on?  Yes, I also know that it has to do with budget deficits, but what exactly needed to be done, by whom, when? After asking all the smart people I know, and spending untold hours inquiring of the source of all knowledge, I was about to conclude that, while opinions were many, facts were scarce.  No one knew.  No one knew the...

It’s Gotta Get Better Than This

Most of you know that I am of the progressive persuasion politically.  It would even be fair to use the L(iberal) word about me, but this is not about partisan politics or political ideology.  This is about chaos in our political institutions.  It is chaos that is devolving to the level of a jejune food fight, and I’m disgusted.  I’m talking about the United States Senate, of course.  I know there are substantial differences in the agendas of the respective parties, and yes, I get it that getting and staying in power is a critical objective of all political animals….but what about the business of the people, what about the needs of the country, and what...