If Everyone Had a Gun

I recently had the good fortune to be out of town when some 80,000 worthies joined one another in Dallas in singing a paean to the gun, the pistol, the long rifle, the six shooter, the single-shot-pump-action-semi-automatic-automatic-shotgun with a few Bowie knives thrown in. Yes, the NRA had their annual convention in Dallas. Politicians were falling all over themselves to pay homage to that never-runs-dry fountain of political power…filthy lucre. They were all there. The Governor, both Texas Senators, assorted Congressmen, county and city officials, and wannabes too numerous to count. And yes, the Veep and The Trumpster his-own-self were there. Now,...

Hijacking the Second Amendment

I can’t get it out of my mind.  The image of a man dressed all in black armed with a device designed to kill men in war pulling a trigger causing bullets to take the life of six and seven year olds.  We all agree, I think, that something is really, really wrong with this picture. Since that tragic event, there has been a feverish search for a rational theory on how this has come to pass. Theories abound.  They range from the mad man theory, to the assault weapon theory, to the 2nd amendment theory.  You will be familiar with all of these lines of reasoning and others not stated herein.  You’ll be pleased to know that I’m not going to make you...

Guns Kill

I am numbed by the tragedy of gun violence that, yet again, took so many innocent lives.  This time it claimed the most innocent of all.  Our precious, young children and their teachers.  I first wrote about the issue of gun violence on March 24th of this year in a piece entitled Do Guns Make Us Safer.  I recommend a reread if you read it before.  It’s a good place to start this discussion. The only difference is that now, like Joe Scarborough this morning on Morning Joe, I’ve had it.   I know it’s not worth it.  I don’t care if your view of the right of our citizens to possess weapons of mass homicide arises from a broad view of the...

Do Guns Make Us Safer?

Oh, controversy.  Get thee behind me.  Yes, I know a lot of you are, shall we say, not completely of open mind about the issue of gun ownership, but I am, nevertheless, compelled to speak my mind on the subject.  I am myself a gun owner having a Browning 20 gauge secreted somewhere at my ranch.  I even have some shotgun shells around, but I can only find them when I have no use for them. A few years ago in a fit of excessive gun safety, I bought and installed a trigger guard, and promptly lost the key.  I’ve hunted off and on since the age of twelve, but not distinguished myself at it, and during my brief military career, I qualified, or at least shot, ...