This I Believe

Everyone, at some point in life,  wants to articulate their beliefs.  Some do it in writing, and others demonstrate it by their behavior. Some give speeches about it.  Some say nothing but think about it a lot.  For better or worse, I’ve decided to set out my principle beliefs in this post.  It’s risky to reveal yourself by stating what you believe, because you open yourself up to criticism and even ridicule from those you want most to impress.  I’ve decided to take the chance.  I can safely predict that you will not agree with them all, and some will seem non-sensical.  Some will reveal my prejudices.  That’s ok.  These statements of...

Too Much of a Good Thing

Let’s be clear from the outset.  I’m a capitalist.  I’m a filthy lucre loving product of the democratic, free market system of capitalism much ballyhooed by fellow travelers all along the political spectrum.  I will say though that those at the top of the economic dog pile tend to offer their unreserved love of the system while those farther down the economic food chain may still make cooing noises but are somewhat restrained by their own personal reality. As always, it’s probably a good idea to define some terms before opining.  I’ll warn you this is more complicated than it seems at first glance.  Capitalism,  is an economic...

On Aging

I posted on September 1, 2009 a somewhat whimsical piece titled “Getting Old is Not For Sissies”.  Read it again if you like, but a short summary is that I was whinning about the things I could do in my youth that are now far out of reach, and the subtle, and not so subtle, changes in the landscape of my body.  Every thing I said then, I double down on now, three years later…and more.  No, I’m not going to give you an itemized list of the things that are going awhack in my physiology, but I will tell you that the pace is accelerating.  I know there’s a word in the English language that means “to accelerate at an accelerating...


Be honest now.  How many of you dear, intelligent readers know what would have to have been done in order to avoid the blunt axe budget cuts of the  2013 sequester we are now facing?  I’m looking for some specifics here.  Yes, I know the repubs would have to agree with the dems on something, but what is it that they needed to agree on?  Yes, I also know that it has to do with budget deficits, but what exactly needed to be done, by whom, when? After asking all the smart people I know, and spending untold hours inquiring of the source of all knowledge, I was about to conclude that, while opinions were many, facts were scarce.  No one knew.  No one knew the...

Hijacking the Second Amendment

I can’t get it out of my mind.  The image of a man dressed all in black armed with a device designed to kill men in war pulling a trigger causing bullets to take the life of six and seven year olds.  We all agree, I think, that something is really, really wrong with this picture. Since that tragic event, there has been a feverish search for a rational theory on how this has come to pass. Theories abound.  They range from the mad man theory, to the assault weapon theory, to the 2nd amendment theory.  You will be familiar with all of these lines of reasoning and others not stated herein.  You’ll be pleased to know that I’m not going to make you...