It’s What They Don’t Tell You

Having been down this road before, it was was with a sense of trepidation, even impending doom, that I anticipated my rapidly approaching “surgical event”.  I  already had a second opinion, and even revisited the highly regarded Doc for another opinion about his 2nd opinion, trying to see if I could construct any rationale for delaying what everyone said shouldn’t be delayed.. The Event was scheduled for 7:30 Monday morning which translated  to a 5:30 am arrival time at the hospital which meant that I’d be hanging around for an hour or so before anything really happened (I thought).  I wasn’t expecting much of a night’s sleep, but I did expect a little.  I...

Time is of the Essence

I was on a summer reading binge in my 12th summer (I was determined to win first place in the Bookworm Club at the local library) when I ran across a short book about a boy who’s father was a time and motion expert.  “How keen is that”, I thought.  A father who studied time.  Unfortunately the father had difficulty separating his work life from his home life, as many of us do.   He insisted on applying his expertise to achieving time efficiency in all individual and family tasks.  For example, he was convinced that one of the great time wasters was inefficiently toweling off after the daily bath or shower.  You probably have had those thoughts too.  So he made...

Iraq: They Did It Again

I don’t know why I punish myself by subjecting my rather smallish and cluttered brain to the hours and hours of political low theatre implicit in the testimony of two of the Bush Administration most accomplished sycophants on the status of our “Mission in Iraq”.  Watching these two fellows give dissembling answers or completely dodging the same simple minded questions over and over and over could drive one to drink.  In fact it did.  An early morning Bloody Mary and a late afternoon potion of Vitamin G (as in gin and tonic) helped me make some sense out of the whole thing. I even took the time to look in the archives of these humble writings to reread (no, I...

A Letter to Sarah

Ok, I’ll say it out loud.  I’m a Democrat who used to be a Republican.  I’ve played ball with both teams, so to speak.  So when I heard that John McCain had selected Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska to be his vice-presidential running mate my first thought was….”huh?”.  There is no question that she changed the character of the 2008 campaign… there still is, however, a big question on whether it was for the better or for the worse.  You decide.  Her speech on September 3, 2008 at the GOP convention was widely lauded, even by that left leaning rag, The New York Times, as a good, even great, piece of rhetoric.  For those...